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Fats and oils
Use oil to burn fat
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Fats and oils
New finding on olive oil
Use oil to burn fat
Use oil to burn fat

Yes, I’m still on the healthy oil page and this time it’s all about burning fat!

Society at large has so many misconceptions about oil and one of the big ones is that oil is only going to make you fat.

The interesting thing is that besides supporting our bodies with brain functioning, healthy hormones, better looking skin, higher libido, improved mood, heart protection, protection against cancer and much more, the healthy oils, and specifically medium chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA’s), do something unlike what we would expect from fat - they stimulate fat burn!

This interesting fact is attributable to the way in which our bodies metabolize the MCFA’s by routing them from the intestine directly to the liver where they are used to produce energy as one of their functions.

Now remember that with any food, taking large quantities will eventually have to be stored by your body as fat. Thus, taking oil has to happen in a controlled, well-informed way.

Kind regards

Dr Anton

In the mentoring programme I will go into detail about how to consume the correct amounts of all the important fats and oils and where to get them.

Please click here to read more about the health mentoring programme


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