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Dental health
Periodontal disease and cancer
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Dental health
Periodontal disease and cancer
Smoking teeth
Periodontal disease and cancer

Here’s a note to motivate you to brush your teeth more regularly!

Having periodontal disease could increase your risk for cancer according to a study that was published in Lancet Oncology in June 2008.

The researchers used data that was collected over a 17 year period from 48 375 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study and found that men who had periodontal infections had an increased risk to develop a variety of cancers irrespective of smoking habits.

We know already that periodontal disease can increase inflammatory markers in your bloodstream and increase your risk to develop heart disease, stroke and diabetes. This new study just emphasis the point even further!

What to do?
-Brush your teeth at least twice a day
-Floss at least once a day
-See your dentist routinely at least once a year (not only when there’s major trouble and your face looks like you’ve been in a bar fight!)
Ask your dentist to demonstrate how to brush and floss correctly to make it worth the time and effort…yes, you can do it incorrectly!

In health,

Dr Anton


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