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Watermelon is cool!
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Watermelon is cool!
Watermelon is cool!

Watermelon doesn’t just cool you down, it’s also a totally ‘cool’ fruit because of its lycopene content!

Lycopene is a carotenoid or pro-vitamin A molecule that gives watermelon and tomatoes their red colour.

In one of the largest studies with health professionals in the USA it was found that lycopene quite definitely prevents prostate cancer – so men, dig into them tomatoes!

Another study done in a Japanese population found that high serum levels of total carotene, comprising alpha- and beta-carotenes and lycopene, may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease mortality.

We also know that although watermelon is nearly 92% water, it has a sturdy level of lycopene along with all the health benefits that are associated with it.

So if it’s summer in your part of the world then it’s time for you get down with some watermelon!


Dr Anton


Faithworks Communication House